British Gas sends me two bills – and threatening letters

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I am having a nightmare with British Gas. It is double-billing me for my flat, and I can’t get it to listen.

For the past year I’ve had a British Gas account in my name and pay my bills by direct debit every month. However, the company is also sending another set of bills to “the occupier”.

We are in the middle of an energy crisis and British Gas is asking me to pay twice.

I have called and contacted it via live chat and been told the problem is going to be sorted out but six months on nothing has happened.

Now it is sending threatening letters warning that if I don’t pay it will pass the account to a debt collection agency.

The most recent letter shows it has added late payment charges to the account with the amount owed by “the occupier” now nearly £750. My account is in credit.

I’m worried this situation could create a bad credit history at this address.

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IP, London

This was a very frustrating situation as it was obvious to you there had been a mix-up with the meter in your flat and the one that your account was linked to.

To be trying to resolve this with the company, only for it to start sending you threatening letters, adds insult to injury.

After we got in touch, British Gas has got to the bottom of the problem. It has apologised, and explains your named account was linked to the wrong address.

“We are closing this account and refunding payments made, back to his bank account,” it says.

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“We’ve set up an account at his correct address and will remain in touch while this is all sorted.”

You are grateful for our help and hope this is the end of the sorry matter.

We welcome letters but cannot answer individually. Email us at or write to Consumer Champions, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number. Submission and publication of all letters is subject to our terms and conditions

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