I have skills and experience, but can’t get a job

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I read with interest the letter from Chloe Jepps (26 December) regarding where “Britain’s missing workforce” has gone. I was made redundant in July 2021. I am in my mid-50s and had, until then, been working since my late teens in various offices as a PA/secretary/administrator in London and the home counties. I have been for more than 25 job interviews (mostly face to face) since being made redundant, but despite receiving positive feedback, I have not had a single job offer.

I have not retired – I do not want to, nor can I afford to. I have tried to get temporary and part-time work, have not asked to work from home, nor do I need any flexibility – for example, to care for an elderly parent.

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So while I am not arrogant enough to think that every job interview should have led to a job offer, I am baffled about what British companies want. They say that they need experienced staff. Well, I am experienced, flexible and adaptable, so why am I not getting offered a job? Is it something more sinister such as age discrimination? Sadly, I think this is happening to me.

I wish the government would sit up and listen to us middle-aged, experienced staff who are desperately trying to get work – I really hope that someone takes a chance on me this year. I don’t know what else I can do if my CV, skills and experience are just what a company wants, but they are not willing to employ me. If anyone has any ideas, I am open to reasonable suggestions.
Katerina Ayres

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